

【ネタバレ注意】Arma 3 - 次の拡張パックの舞台の示唆か?

Arma 3の次の拡張パックの舞台?Arma 3 Laws of War内に登場する読み物から架空の国家の名前が登場する。

発端となったのは、Showcase IDAP内に登場する展示物「Survivors' Stories」に書かれている文章でした。

Chidiebere Idowu stepped on a civil war-era landmine in South Lombakka when he was seventeen:

"I was caring for our livestock that day and decided to walk a little farther than I usually would, owing to the cooler summer weather. I remember hearing an enormous explosion some distance behind me and immediately thought the ceasefire with the North had been broken, since it sounded very similar to the artillery shells that fell near our old home in Kelakam.

"I did not stop to think a goat had disturbed a landmine. [...] I took two or maybe three steps then trod on one myself. By the time help arrived all our the animals were either dead or maimed - the noise was awful - indescribable.

"[...] I lost the lower part of my left leg. An aid worker from IDAP later told me that if I had been alone, without the herd it is possible I would have wandered too far into the minefield. The few steps I took backwards saved my life; as it was, it took them many hours to reach me. A minute longer and I would have lost too much blood."

"The financial impact was severe we were already poor and our goats were everything. [...] I was lucky. My uncle owned a shop and found me work in the city. For others, the situation is not so good. I have heard of many families going hungry because bread earners cannot continue working; our shepherds, our livestock, the soil in our fields - agriculture is vital to the economy, so it is a terrible problem."

これはApex Protocolに登場した情報の一部です。ギニア湾の近くにCSATの何かが接続されています。これはおそらくLombakkaを指しているものと思われます。Apex ProtocolがCSATの機密兵器を巡ったストーリーであることから考えると、やはり何らかの関係があるのでしょう。


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